Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology and Koepfer America, LLC form Business Partner Agreement

Carl Zeiss IMT and Koepfer America have formally joined with a new Business Partner Agreement for the United States and Canada. This agreement will provide improved technical and marketing support related to all areas of CMM gear metrology offered by Carl Zeiss. Recognized globally as a market leader for CMM equipment, Carl Zeiss with its partnership with Koepfer America, will expand its reach into all areas of gear metrology.

Carl Zeiss offers machines to measure both parallel axis and bevel gears from the smallest gears used in microtechnologies
up to 4m (157.5”) in diameter. This is accomplished using their GEAR PRO software package, which is both a mature and truly flexible product. In addition, prismatic features can be measured in a seamless integration with the metrology software package: CALYPSO.

Since 1989, Koepfer America has been a leader in parallel axis gear manufacturing equipment sales, service and support for North America. Koepfer is nationally recognized for its influential role with the American Gear Manufacturers Association, AMT, Euro Trans, SME and other technical groups.