Werth's Image Processing Optical Measurement

The newly redesigned ScopeCheck Multi-Sensor Coordinate Measuring Machines offers full image processing with variable working distance.  This combination of optics, software, and lighting control provides consistent, automatic measurement over a run of parts with reflective variability.

The new design with the granite base mounted on a stand alone steel foundation increases the stability of the machine and allows for increased operating speeds.  Additional sensors such as touch and scanning probes, laser probes, and the tiny Werth Fiber Probe can be added for increased flexibility.  All sensors are calibrated to each other, fully integrated within the WinWerth software, and can be used interchangeably within the same measuring programs.

For more information contact:

Werth, Inc.

8 Custom Dr. s Old Saybrook, CT s 06475 USA
Tel: (860) 399-2445 s Fax: (860) 399-6784