What’s in the queue for 2010 for CMM Builders?

As the economic situation becomes more apparent and financial priorities shift from wish list to just trying to maintain keeping the doors open we need to refine priorities. The same is true in the coordinate measuring machine business. Some CMM companies might weather 2009 with orders and monies allocated from 2008. So long as there are no order cancellations one might be able to endure. The issue arises when you look at lead times to manufacture and deliver equipment. With lead times being out to several months to build, ship, install, run off verification the time for filling up the 2010 year will quickly come upon us.

With Congress pushing a stimulus package through that has no precedent as to its viability to work and stimulate the economy CMM builders must get factory orders in now to project what 2010 will bring.

Touch economic times are generating less and less players on market today. There are rumors that one more will be sold in the next week or so. As more and more companies are being bought out the landscape is truly changing.
